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Fresh Strawberries

Our Priorities

Our Farm Bill Priorities

We prioritize policies that foster the environmental, social, and economic resilience of our regional food system, through strong regional supply chains, equitable access to opportunities, and conservation.


We have endorsed the Local Farms and Food Act, the Agriculture Resilience Act, and the Supporting Urban Farmers Act.


Our Food Policy Council wants to see increased funding for GusNIP and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, further implementation of farm-to-school and nutrition education, strengthened specialty crop programs, and prioritization of research on regenerative agriculture, among other things.


We want the 2023 Farm Bill to increase the access that small and mid-sized farmers, food entrepreneurs, and local organizations have to grants, financing, insurance, and educational opportunities.


We encourage legislators to prioritize programs that benefit producers and consumers, especially the most marginalized, protect natural resources, and plan for climate adaptation, as these programs are most aligned with our vision and the work we do in Greater Cincinnati.

Aligned with Statewide Partners

In 2022, we reorganized our work to match the categories used in the Ohio Food Policy Network's (OFPN) policy agenda,

to maximize the power of unified voices.

Farms & Land Use

Local farms are the bedrock of our local food system. 

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Access & Education

The ability to consume nutritious food is a key social determinant of health.


A strengthened local and regional food supply chain will increase resilience and economic growth for our communities.

Image by Matt Koffel


Institutions create and expand markets for local food by vastly expanding their local food purchases.

We also work closely with other statewide partners, including Kentucky Food Action Network (KFAN) and Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA).

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